Vampires are human/demon hybrids created by a demonic virus which in turn was created by a shamanic curse a very long time ago. Each vampire must be created by another, and the process is incredibly painful, and doesn’t always work. The end result leaves a quite often badly traumatized being who is torn between their new demonic needs and their original human nature. This conflict can quickly drive the vampire to insanity. It takes an exceptionally strong minded individual to withstand the making. Older vampires know this, and so will look to create their progeny from humans they deem strong of body and spirit.
Vampires don’t all know of their origins, but there are a lot of rumours and a great many theories bounded about. Some few vampires do know the truth, but these few keep it to themselves. Vampires live in our world, although there aren’t very many, and they blend in perfectly among us, so you usually will not know someone is a vampire until it’s too late. Vampires feed on human blood and *only* human blood. they cannot survive on the blood of animals or anything else (they can, however, drink the blood of some other species and of human-hybrids.)
Vampires are immortal. They can be killed, but only by sunlight or beheading. They are super fast, super strong and super flexible, with a skeletal structure akin to a cat’s (flexible spines/connective tissue, etc) so they can fit into extremely small spaces, and absorb falls and jumps with relative ease.
Vampires have none of their supernatural strength or abilities by day, and they cannot heal when it’s daylight, and so are extremely vulnerable when the sun above the horizon. Contrary to popular belief, however, vampires can move about by day, albeit with great effort. older vampires find this a bit easier than younger ones, but it is very difficult and dangerous for all of them. by night, depending on when and how much they have fed, a vampire can swiftly heal almost any wound and they are dangerously swift and strong.
Vampires are usually loners, and do not like hanging out together. although there are a few sanctuaries around the world wherein they might, on occasion, gather. fact is, it’s pretty unsustainable to have more than a couple in any one city at any given time, considering their food source. They tend to live in larger cities, because they can hide their activity easier than in small towns, so if you go looking (and you really shouldn’t) cities are a good place to begin.